Saturday 23 June 2007

Crossrail hole plotter Ken Livingstone is linked in policy with Clive and East India company

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The 11th edition of the day at 2130 Hrs GMT – publishing from the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area in the UK on Saturday 23 June 2007

Publishing these editions of AADHIKARonline in specific support to the campaign against CrossRail hole Bill and in association with the movement for the defence of the community in the East End of London

Khoodeelaar! No to the history of the Crossrail hole plot - from 23 June 1757 to 23 June 2007
'East London's answer to Glastonbury' Brick Lane Literary Festival - 'Lines of Hunger....'

First reports on the ‘Lines of Hunger’ festival held at 1 o'clock on Saturday 23 June 2007 at the corner of Brick Lane and Hanbury Street London E1 UK

The key points made by Khoodeelaar! organiser Muhammad Haque when linking the ‘Undone Mayor’ Ken Livingstone’s current irrational craze for the Crossrail hole attack on the East End of London and the imperialist designs and corruption of Robert Clive who abused the hospitality of the people in the Bangladesh, India and Pakistan subcontinent in June 1757
included these
Like the East India company, the CrossRail hole company is engaged in deception and in lying about their intentions and
like the East India Company, the CRASSrail Company is engaged in trying to bribe some ‘locals’ so that the local community would be destroyed when the CrossRail company gets the ‘powers’ to destroy the local community
Like the East India Company, the Crossrail company is engaged in backing the corrupt elements on the local ‘council which as the ‘local education authority’ is admitted by all independent observers, including even the ‘mainstream’ news outlets in the Uk to be one of the worst local education authorities, allowing its schools to perform at such low levels that most of the youngsters and school leavers are being turned out of schools with no qualifications or low qualifications, which are then being

[To be continued]

From the Earlier editions of AADHIKAROnline, reporting on the ‘Lines of Hunger…’ Literary Festival held by Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot, commemorating the battle of Polashee on 23 June 1757 which marked the impoverishment by the ‘East India Company’ of Robert Clive of the region now made up by Bangladesh India and Pakistan …

The difference between this event and the Glastonbury festival is immense and relevant. The first difference is that unlike the overfed, the over-funded who were able to get into Glastonbury and ‘enjoy culture’, there are people in the inner cities for whom such pursuits are beyond their ability - the people whose ‘pleasure’ and more importantly whose right to even expect to have such pleasure, was being defended are the people who are the targets of the attacks. The attacks are represented in the Crossrail hole plot
The plot is controlled by the very big business and their backers and approvers and their beneficiaries who would be able to command a seat at the Glastonbury festival
the people in the east end of London generally – in common with the people in all other inner cities in Blaired Britain – would not have the luxury to even dream of spending the sort of money that the Glastonbury consumers can spend do spend and do so as a matter of course…
The reason, in particular for those who make up the community in Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area – the target of ‘undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone’s Crossrail hole attack - is mainly in the history of economic incapacitation, the educational underachievement, the social incohesion, the environmental deprivation that have been imposed on the same community.
Even before the population that makes up the community in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area, arrived and settled in the area, it had inherited the historic consequences of the massive and long term dislocation set in motion by the East India company on 23 June 1757.
The Khoodeelaar! campaign held the demonstration outside London’s ‘City Hall’ near the Tower of London on 19 June 2007. The occasion was a brief ‘celebration’ of the East India Company's ‘victory’ in 1757 against the ‘Nawab Shiraj Ud Daula’. As the City Hall is the HQ of ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone the Khoodeelaar! campaign demonstrated their condemnation of the role being played by Ken Livingstone in promoting the Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London.
The people in the demonstration shouted slogans that made a direct policy link between the East India Company in 1757 and the Crossrail Company in 2007. Between Robert Clive of the East India Company and Ken Livingstone who as mayor is using the Crossrail Company [Cross London Rail Links] as the administrative tool for pushing for the Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London.
[To be continued]
From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline

A Full report starting here at 2000 Hrs GMT on the Lines of Hunger’ literary event begun by Khoodeelaar! at 1200 Hrs GMT today the corner of Brick lane and Hanbury Street London E1

REMEMBERING the campaigners against the predecessors of ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone in pretensions 250 years ago – Time 1 PM [1200 Hrs GMT] Saturday 23 June 2007 Place corner of Brick Lane and Hanbury Street – More details in the evening on Friday
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole – mobilising opposition to the massive Big Biasness Crossrail hole Bill attacks on the East End of London

Reporting and publication Programme of the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole Bill, during Thursday 21 June 2007
The Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole plot Bill [the provision for digging a Crossrail hole and for destroying the existing community environment in Whitechapel and for causing serious damage to parts of Stepney are all contained in the draft piece of legislation in the Blared UK House of Commons. That draft piece is called ‘the Crossrail Bill’]
At last! The ‘authoritative voice of the British middle class’ or rather the ‘most powerful organ in print of Middle England’, the London Daily Mail, shows that it has, juts occasionally, the intellectual ability and the moral honesty to acknowledge wrongdoing that goes on against people every day by crooked cliques who wield control on local councils and local assemblies and, nay, even at OFSTED! It has taken the racist DAILY MAIL more than three years to admit what KHOODEELAAR! identified and published about Tower Hamlets CORRUPT Council and the ‘chief executive’ of the corrupt Council, ‘Christine Gilbert’ – an examination of Christine Gilbert’s record and of the racist backwardness of the Blaired media – here shortly
How the Corrupt clique in Tower Hamlets CrossRail hole-inviting Council is SILL being allowed to get away with wanton robbery of the community’s rights – a report here soon
Khoodeelaar! Statement to CrossRail hole—backer Alan Johnson – the summary of the statement made to Johnson when Johnson staged a prancing stunt in the Brick Lane area on Wednesday 13 June 2007
Khoodeelaar! latest legal; demands as put to Crossrail hole Bill plot minister Douglas Alexander – texts here shortly
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Tower Hamlets Council – text of the letter sent to Martin Smith ‘ successor’ to Christine Gilbert -
Khoodeelaar! campaign actions- Next Khoodeelaar! demo - details
Legal action and campaign Updates and breaking